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The Gamma Energy, Mayan Enterprises, Advance WithUS, INC and Masser Design marks are registered trademarks of Gamma Energy LLC, Mayan Enterprises, Inc., Advance WithUS, INC or Masser Designs, LLC, separate and unrelated entities. The investor understands that its administrators, shareholders, partners, vendors and associates or agents are independent.


This presentation contains marketing materials and statements that reflect the current beliefs and expectations of the management of Gamma Energy, LLC, Mayan Enterprises Inc., Masser Designs, LLC. and Advance WithUS, INC about future events and conditions. Such statements are not representations or promises of future performance and should be understood as merely the statement of possible future circumstances and for illustrative purposes only. They involve risks and uncertainties, both known and unknown, that could cause actual results and future value to differ materially from the statements made in this presentation. Some of the risks include general economic conditions, geopolitical events, regulatory changes and risks associated with the Real Estate, Oil & Gas and Transportation Industry in the United States. As far as the Investor understands, there can be no guarantee that the results reflected or discussed in this presentation and marketing materials can be achieved. You should not rely on the content of this presentation or marketing materials to make investment decisions, including any decision to invest in any Gamma Energy LLC, Mayan Enterprises, Inc., Advance WithUS, INC or Masser Designs, LLC or other project. . Nothing in this presentation or marketing materials should be construed as an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer to buy securities issued by Gamma Energy LLC, Mayan Enterprises, Inc., Advance WithUS, INC or Masser Designs, LLC or as legal advice. or financial.


The information contained in this presentation and marketing materials is confidential. Your participation in the presentation and marketing materials, and receipt of any written materials, is deemed to be your agreement to maintain the confidential nature of the information provided. You may not repeat, reproduce, disclose or communicate any information contained in this presentation or marketing materials to any person without the prior written consent of Mayan Enterprises. All rights to the available date prepared by Mayan Enterprises and the intangible rights attached to this presentation or marketing materials belong exclusively to Mayan Enterprises. No person other than Mayan Enterprises is authorized to provide information related to or associated with the information contained in this presentation or marketing materials.

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